Monday, May 19, 2014

We Declare Part 3

Mikey is 17 years old bi-racial male who became the “man of the house” when his father and mother split up when he was 8.  He instinctively tried to set a positive example for his three younger brothers, defended them when necessary and when their mother checked out mentally, from time to time, he was their provider.  They live in the urban jungle, subjected to any and everything that goes along with living in that environment including substandard overcrowded schools.  Ironically every teacher he had was drawn to him.  It’s like they could see past the armor that he, his brothers and thousands of other young people, diligently put on every day to withstand the drama they face upon leaving their residence.  Mikey has remained an A student throughout high school, but when he was younger his grades and behavior were a challenge.  Not necessarily because he was a “bad” kid, it’s that the school staff, except those “assigned” to him didn’t understand his world, for the most part, e.g.:  the lack of food at the end of the month; witnessing domestic violence in and out of the home; becoming desensitized to the sound of gunfire; the art of using profanity as if it’s a second language, the subliminal message that getting shot and/or going to jail are a rite of passage for our young men of color, etc.  Learning to skillfully navigate this culture is enough to cause anyone to have behavioral challenges a.k.a. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. 

Mikey has been pressured lately to participate in the “neighborhood” business – crime and violence and though he has indulged in some activities, he doesn’t have the swagger to be a criminal.  He has no desire to be like is paternal grandfather, father and multiple cousins not to mention neighbors, many of whom are: ex-offenders, high school drop outs, inactive single fathers, that spend their days sleeping and nights hanging out, smoking blunts (marijuana), Thee Thee (Chrystal methamphetamine), Molly, or whatever their substance of choice is. 

Mikey and his brothers are blessed that their father has remained active in their lives who for the past seven years, has completely transformed into an amazing man, father and mentor.  Now with graduation just a few weeks away, he needs to decide on whether to accept the full scholarship to the School of the Arts in New York or partial scholarship to San Francisco State.  He and his Pops have had many conversations about the pros and cons but he is still undecided so he retreats to the home of his paternal grandmother for the weekend, whom he calls Nana, for the weekend.  Nana has been his rock throughout his childhood and from as far back as he can remember she created the environment for him to talk to her about anything and she always seems to know exactly what to say.  During dinner he talked about his dilemma while she listened and prayed silently.  When he seemed to run out of words, she said:  “Sweetie, you know I love you more than anything, but the answer you seek is inside of you, you just need to allow yourself to hear it.  Come with me, I have something special I want to show you.”  Upon entering the guest room he saw a huge vision board full of his art work, report cards, pictures, etc. as far back as elementary school.  He was overcome with emotion.  She hugged and consoled him like only she could, prayed a simple prayer for clarity, kissed him good night and left him there with his thoughts, the vision board and God.

Mikey was up early the next morning, he text his father, Nick, and invited him over for breakfast.  Nana woke up to the smell of bacon, French toast and muffled voices coming from the kitchen.  After getting herself together she was pleasantly surprised to see Nick and a full breakfast spread on the table.  They laughed and reminisced during breakfast but then Mikey changed the subject when he said:  “I’m not sure what happened last night, but I woke this morning knowing exactly what I’m gonna do, I’m going to New York.  It’s weird because I don’t feel stressed anymore.  I know my moms is trying to manip me into staying at home, but it’s my life and this is the best way I can help her and my brothers.”   Nick could hardly believe his ears but he was so relieved.  Nana was overjoyed and offered the following mother wit:

“Mikey, if you will follow the advice that I’m about to give you, it will help you through any situation you face and you will be able to set your own course in life.  1) Decide what you want; 2) Don’t let anyone steal your dreams, not even you; 3) Trust in God; 4) Be strong and courageous; 5) Don’t quit on yourself; 6) Renew your mind every day by feeding it positive information, images; 7) Create your world with your words.”  Everything she said made sense except the last part, so Mikey asked, “Nana, you lost me, how am I going to create a new world?  Nana replied, “Through your thoughts and the power of your words.  Proverbs 23:7a: (NKJV) says:  For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.  Colonel Sanders’ KFC recipe was rejected over and over and over but he didn’t quit because he believed in his heart that he would be successful; Bishop TD Jakes’ first manuscript Woman Thou Art Loosed was rejected by every publisher he sent it to but he refused to give up and published the book himself.  Today he is a bestselling author and his latest book Instinct made the NY Times Bestseller’s list in less than two weeks, that’s worldwide recognition.  If you believe it, you can achieve it.  Proverbs 18:21a (NKJV) says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue.   Just as a person can talk themselves into believing they are worthless and will never have anything, a person talk themselves into being successful, it’s just a matter of the words, and when you say them enough you will believe them.  You decide what you want and then you confess it, say it, over and over and over until it becomes your reality.  It’s called making declarations.  The only way to make a declaration is to open your mouth.  For example: you announce officially, proclaim and state emphatically:
·       I will attend the School of the Arts; I will be an honor student; Every need will be met because lack is cancelled; I will have favor with my professors; I will graduate magna cum laude; I will intern at the best graphics company in New York; I will; I will …” Mikey looked his Nana in the eyes and said, “I knew I was going to leave here with an answer.” and then he gave her the tightest bear hug he could muster.

I’m out of time, but I want to leave you with this nugget:  We can walk around with a woe is me attitude feeling sorry for ourselves or we can change our world with the power of our words, either way you will have what you say, so you might as well say and have the best. 

In His Excellent Service


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