Thursday, May 22, 2014

We Declare Pt. 6 Conclusion

As we conclude this series on declarations (see my blogs titled We Declare) I wanted to share some good news with you which is 1); the positive desires you have to “get it together”; to do the work of the Lord, etc. didn’t just pop in your head, they come from God to carry out his perfect plan because he is not going to start something that he doesn’t complete (neither should we).  Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6 (NKJV).  2): the battle is not yours alone, God will be there with you every step of the way of the process.  I know, there’s the “G” word.  Well guess what?  You’ve been trying to fix your life all your life and look where it’s gotten you?  Yes, you may have achieved some things but without a bona fide relationship with God there is still something missing.  That’s why you are never satisfied.  Granted you can buy all the stuff you want, obtain as many degrees possible to man, have the best job in the world (if there is such a thing); be a great person and/or even an active church member on all the main boards, with a title and special parking place, but there is something gnawing at you.  The problem is that you can’t identify it, you just know there is some level of discomfort, dissatisfaction that you cannot target so you:
·       Try to medicate it with substances (e.g. drugs, alcohol and/or food) and yes, even you well-meaning church going Christians are guilty so stop playing! or
·       You silence it by sleeping every opportunity you get or taking on multiple projects, some of which you may not complete because you’re all over the map; or
·       You feed it by working all the time while simultaneously irritating the people around you because you’re obsessed with a perfection that does not exist, hello!!!!; or
·       You drown it by taking more courses, classes or pursuing yet another degree.  I have nothing against obtaining a degree and the college experience, I think it’s an incredible disciplinary tool for our youth and it’s great for those who want to pursue them, but how many degrees does one need?

The problem with the above is that it’s all temporary.  It comes back every day, sometimes multiple times per day but if you keep doing the same old thing while simultaneously saying: I need to make a change, God take this from me or wishing it away, that’s a problem.  Can I be your best friend right now, I mean the kind of friend that will tell you the truth even when it’s uncomfortable?  May I, please tell you the truth?  Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insane, like you may be able to qualify for a check, it’s absolutely retarded.  If it hasn’t changed in all this time on its own, guess what?  It’s not going to.  You need to be the change that you want; the change you’re looking for and you need to take action. 

Declarative Rules of Engagement:

1.     Be Specific:  What do you want?  Some people are without because they don’t know what they want.  Do you want to be healed or not?  Do you want to married or not, you cannot be both?  Do you want to be an employee for the rest of your life or do you really want to be an entrepreneur?  Do you want restoration in your relationship(s) or do you want to remain in un-forgiveness?  Do you want to remain depressed, oppressed, anxious, worried or do you want peace and liberty?   There is no requirement for you to figure anything out, just decide what you want.

2.     A Point of Reference:   We know too well that when things are out of site they are out of mind, easily forgotten.  Get them out of your head and put them on paper and/or record them; review them frequently to keep them fresh in your mind and use the written/recorded declaration as a source of identification when they are manifested.  Habakkuk 2:2-3

3.     Open Your Mouth:  You cannot declare anything in silence.  Remember, declare means to announce officially; proclaim; to state emphatically; to make known or state clearly.  Open Up Your Mouth and state without wavering what you will not tolerate (from the enemy) and what you believe and expect to happen.  Why?  Bible based declarations are a sure win all the time because God responds to His word, He will not deny himself -- So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 (NKJV)  
·       Your brain needs to hear you give the command that we (you and your thoughts) are changing directions, rebooting, refreshing, reprograming your memory; and
·       You destroy the enemy’s reign over you when speak out loud.  Ephesian 2:2 confirm he rules the air (with God’s permission and scrutiny).  Every positive declaration we make over our lives releases us from his strongholds. 

Nuts and Bolts:  find scriptures that are relative to what you want to declare.  Search your bible index or app for key words related to your declaration.  For example: Health:  For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.  Proverbs 4:22; But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings Malachi 4:2a; And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.  Matthew 4:23; How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. Acts 10:38.  Here is an example of a health declaration:

Father, I declare that: your words are life and health to my flesh; I arise with healing; you heal me of sickness and disease as you did when you walked the earth; I am healed of oppression and that I shall not die but live and declare your works.

Basically I have paraphrased the word and made it a simplified bible verse that I am stating out loud, emphatically and would repeat it over and over and over, multiple times per day until it is engrained in my very core and I make myself believe it.  I therefore change my circumstances which mean I change my world.

In His Excellent Service


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